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Cookie Policy

This is the Cookie Policy for Movies Central™, accessible from and its subdomains.

What Are Cookies

As is common practice with nearly all professional websites, this site uses cookies, which are small files downloaded to your computer, to enhance your browsing experience. This page explains the information they collect, their purpose, and why we occasionally need to store these cookies. We'll also outline how you can prevent these cookies from being stored, though this might result in the reduction or disruption of certain site features.

How We Use Cookies

We employ cookies for various purposes as detailed below. Unfortunately, in most cases, there are no universally accepted industry settings to disable cookies without entirely sacrificing the functionality and features they contribute to the site. It is advisable to keep all cookies enabled unless you are unsure whether they are necessary, in case they are used to provide a service you utilize.

Disabling Cookies

You have the option to prevent cookies from being set by adjusting your browser settings (consult your browser's Help section for guidance). Be aware that disabling cookies will impact the functionality of this site, along with many other websites you visit. This usually involves the deactivation of certain features and functionalities on this site. Thus, it is recommended that you do not disable cookies.

The Cookies We Set

Forms Related Cookies: When you submit data through forms like those on contact pages or comment forms, cookies might be set to remember your user details for future interactions.

Site Preferences Cookies: To offer you a tailored experience on this site, we enable you to customize your preferences for how the site behaves when you use it. These preferences are stored in cookies so that the site can recall them when you interact with pages affected by your choices.

Third Party Cookies

In specific cases, we use cookies from trusted third parties. The following section outlines third party cookies you might encounter on this site.

This site employs Google Analytics, a widely used and reliable analytics solution that helps us understand your site usage for further improvement. These cookies track data such as time spent on the site and visited pages, aiding us in producing engaging content. For more information on Google Analytics cookies, refer to the official Google Analytics page.

The Google AdSense and/or Google AdManager service, used to deliver advertising, uses a DoubleClick cookie to show more relevant ads across the web and limit the frequency of specific ads shown to you. For further details on Google AdSense, consult the official Google AdSense privacy FAQ. Advertisements support the site's operational costs and development. The behavioral advertising cookies on this site anonymously track your interests to ensure relevant ad display. These ads mirror your interests and may appeal to you.

Several partners advertise on our behalf; affiliate tracking cookies verify if customers visit via our partner sites, enabling proper crediting and bonus provision for purchases made through affiliate partners.

More Information

We hope this clarifies matters. As previously mentioned, if you're uncertain about whether you require cookies enabled, it's safer to keep them enabled in case they interact with features you use on our site.

Please review these terms and conditions carefully before using our website. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at